Welcome to this week's Activity Blog - Week Four (how fast has that gone!) First thing’s first, what do you think of our new Craft Video? Take a look!
We can’t wait to see your creations, send a picture to us at rose.best@bestfutures-school.co.uk and you may even see them here on the website!
Our next activity is the Lifestyle Art Challenge

Taking part in this year’s Lifestyle Challenge is even easier, and a little different than usual. This year’s challenge is to create a piece of art unique to you, to display in your window or garden, to make others feel happy and SMILE. You can GET CREATIVE, you could paint, use recycled materials, a sculpture, a picture, a collage or even a poem! Once they are displayed, don’t forget to send a photo to Lifestyle, details in the Link! https://www.mycommunityalert.co.uk/da/320321/Lifestylers_are_you_up_for_the_challenge_.html If you’d like to send a photo to us of your creation, please do, we love to see them! You may be in with a chance of seeing your picture on our website too! Toilet Roll Shape Game Our next activity is easily adaptable for different stages of learning. In this example, we are looking at shapes, but you can easily adapt this to suit your child by practising colours, symbols, numbers, letters, animals the possibilities are endless!

Simply save up your empty toilet roll tubes and lolly pop sticks, (although this would still work well with card, paper straws or even sticks collected from a walk!) and follow these easy steps: 1. Measure the length of the tube, and cut paper to the required length, be sure to check the paper fits all the way around the tube and overlaps slightly at the back 2. Decide on a topic and draw your symbols/words/numbers/etc on to the paper 3. Using cello-tape or glue, stick the paper onto the tube 4. Using your sticks, colour them in using paint or felt tip 5. Write vertically the words you want to use in your topic along your stick 6. Cut out small squares and draw your shape, number or symbol in the middle 7. Glue the square to the top of the stick You’re ready to go! Next up... Synonym Skipping from Youth Sport Trust

Here’s a fun activity from Youth Sport Trust, you can find out more on their page. You could even create Gold, Silver and Bronze stars, or even medals to use. Be careful if you are using a skipping rope inside, make sure you have plenty of room, and that there are no lampshades or items that might get broken! It’s best to do this one outside, or if you have to play inside, check with an adult first so that they can ensure the area is safe to use.
Don’t forget the NHS Clap tonight at 8pm!
Remember to check out our Homepage for guidance and links for help. We are all in this together.
Stay Home. Stay Safe.