Celebrating Our School
Best Futures is proud to have been successful in nurturing many children back into mainstream education since 2014
Pupils make positive steps in their learning every-single-day.
We celebrate pupils in our inclusive school by understanding the individual child's needs and ensuring their needs are met first.
We regularly share news with parents about their child's learning journey, working together as a team around the child.
Some highlights our school to celebrate pupils are:
Attendance improvement and Excellent attendance awards
Star of the week
Class Dojo Rewards
Positives shared with parents via Class Dojo
School Newsletters
We also celebrate our amazing staff through 'staff shout outs'. Staff members nominate each other
for their positive deeds and attitudes and be recognised for their hard work. We care for our staff members by having a team focus, onsite mental health first aiders, 'open door policy' from senior leadership providing guidance, assistance and support where needed.
We are a team at Best Futures.

“Strive for progress, not perfection”
“Who you are tommorow, begins with who you are today”

What We Have Been Doing Lately